Evi Hendrikx and Tom van Nieuwenhoven winners of school round Junior Speaking Contest.











Great school round Junior Speaking contest.

On Thursday, 27 January, eight pupils of our second and third year forms (TTO) tried to convince a jury formed by teachers McMorland, de Waal and van de Bergh of their speeching skills. Supported by their classmates of B1V, H2E, V2E, V2F, H3A and V3D the contestants talked for about 4 minutes about their passion: Being myself (Evi Hendrikx V2E), Babywearing (Lisanne Wetemans  V2E), Drumming (Raf Senden H2E), Eternal life (Stan Lasaroms V2F), Ferrets (Alex Dings V3D), Horses and horseriding (Nadja Verspagen V3D), Singing (Tom van Nieuwenhoven V3D) and Writing (Andrea van Dooren H3A). All of them did a great job! It was not easy for the jury members to choose the two representatives for the regional round also held at the Philips in February.

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