Irish pro teaches basic golf skills to TTO-students.

On Wednesday 8th of June class V2F and 7 tto students of H2E had a golf clinic at the Crossmoor golf course. The clinic was done by an Irish pro was has been living in the Netherlands for 32 years now, and a retired PvH gymteacher who's been playing golf for several years now.


First, the Irish pro talked about the clubs. In the early days there were many different golf clubs with difficult names. But nowadays the three most important golf clubs are the swingers, the chippers and the putters. After that, he told the students how to get a grip of the golf club and also something about the different techniques in golf. Then he did a very nice demonstration of the swing shot (he hit a ball at least 200 meters over the trees) and the chip shot. Finally it was up to us to practice the techniques with the swinger, chipper and putter in 3 different groups. The most fun part was also the most difficult part: the swing shot. It's difficult to hit the ball so high and far, but it's nice to see the ball flying through the air when you actually succeed. In the end we all had much fun on the green. Class V2E will be doing the same clinic on Thursday 23rd of June.


Text: Kurt op 't Eynde

Pictures: Bert van Dijk

V2E at Crossmoor golf court.

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